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Tips on improving your Mental Health

Writer's picture: Mrs. LadybugMrs. Ladybug

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Disclosure: The following is based on what I have learned through experience. Please know that I am not a professional in this field. I am sharing these tips that have been beneficial to me in the hopes that they will also be beneficial to you.

Alright, so before we get started, let's break the ice: we have all suffered from poor mental health at some point in our lives. Whether or not you accept it, it is a fact. For those who do not fully understand what Mental Health is, it is far more than just suffering from dementia or being mentally ill in a mental institution. Think of it as your current state of mind, or how you are currently feeling emotionally. As defined on, it is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.

People can start suffering from poor mental health at an early age, as early as childhood. It can be due to a family crisis like divorce, or school bullying, or it a may be a trauma. Whatever the case, working on your mental health starts at a young age and it is a lifelong working process. Some people do not attend to their mental and emotional wellbeing and suffer the consequences of it throughout their life. Depression, anger, stress, fear, abuse (either to themselves or others), addiction, victimization, violence, low self-esteem. All huge signs of severe poor mental health.

What is worse is when these feelings are completely suppressed and kept a secret to the entire world. Some people can pretend to be fine in public with a bright smile, polite manners, and have no signs of poor mental health. Little does the world know that they suffer in silence. Two examples of these cases are Miss USA 2019, Cheslie Kryst and American Actor known for his role in the Power Rangers, Jason David Frank. Two people who always showed up with a smile, positive energy, and spoke of their faith. Truly, you never know who is struggling inside. Which is why being kind to others and yourself is so vital.

Have you ever heard the phrase "stress is a killer"? It is true. Stress does so much to our body and brains. Which is why Mental health is as serious as any other health condition. So let us start working on it. You will be surprised how many ways I have discovered to help with my Mental Health. I am going to list my recommendations in no particular order and may throw in a personal experience.

Religion: if you practice a peaceful religion, it is time to strengthen your spiritual connection and become a little more devout. Spend some extra time learning about the religion, worship with a community, attend a retreat, and really work on reflecting on your spiritual and emotional self. I turned to religion a few years ago. Firstly, I started with reading the Bible (the New Testament). Then I downloaded a Bible App on my phone that would send me 1 Biblical quote daily. Through this, I finally learned and understood how to forgive; why we should forgive. It is because all the anger we hold inside towards someone, or something will never directly affect them. It only affects the beholder. When you learn to let go and forgive, you suddenly feel a sense of freedom. As if you just cleaned your muddy car. It is a good and renewing feeling.

Support groups: In this era, you can find a Facebook Group for so many things. The sky's the limit. Some are private and some are public, but I would recommend a private group because you usually find more genuine support and chats. Being part of a Facebook group has helped me when I am feeling stuck. I am in 3 writers support groups, 2 self-help groups, 1 skincare group, 1 stylist group, and a couple of others. Sometimes, you need help from someone else other than a friend or relative. Joining a support group with a professional and/or others that are going through the same struggles as you is really comforting.

Therapy: This is the most obvious, is it not? And yet, I find that so few people actually take this step. Seeking private counseling with a professional therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist is extremely helpful for those who need help with their Mental Health. I recommend you shop around until you find a professional you like and trust. Some health insurances may help with the cost. But if visiting face-to-face is too out of the way, I recommend virtual sessions (ex:

Journaling: Personally, I find journaling to be helpful in connecting with myself. When you start putting your thoughts and emotions onto paper, you can start to self-analyze what your issue is. People have told me that they do not know how to journal. You can start 1 of 2 ways. One method is to just start writing about yourself and everything will start to fall into place. Another method is to write as if you were writing to a very close friend. I find that this method helps you be a little kinder in the way you talk about yourself.

Coloring: It has been proven that coloring is a stress reliever. It can help with feelings of depression and anxiety. It is strange how you can disconnect when you are filling in shapes with carefully selected colors. Suddenly, the only thing you might stress about it not coloring outside the lines. I find coloring to be a huge help when I want to disconnect. So I purchased an adult coloring book and a color-pencil kit for whenever I want to escape to a colorful world that I can create.

Hobby: There are so many hobbies, I cannot even name them all. Playing piano, taking a dance class, painting, gardening, collaging, knitting, learning a new language, candle making... the list can go on and on. When you start something new that you enjoy, it is just like when a tree grows a new branch. It is exciting and it is expanding your overall self. When I was younger, I took salsa dance classes and I always had fun no matter how sour my day was before starting class.

Aroma Therapy: This may not be so obvious, but it is effective. When there is an unpleasant odor in your presence, that alone is stressful and can put you in a flustered mood. Now when you have a wicker candle lit with a calming scent, or some incense, or an oil diffuser, your mood will be in a better place. Sometimes, I have all three active in different parts of the house. A candle in the kitchen, an oil diffuser in the bathroom, and incense in the bedroom. It definitely helps to connect to a more relaxed you.

Declutter: Keep your living and workspace clean and as decluttered as possible. When you are constantly surrounded by clutter and mess, that can take a toll on you. Have you ever walked into a room that had too much furniture, some piled boxes in a corner, dust bunnies everywhere, dirty windows, clutter scattered about? Just the thought of it has me holding my breath. It is completely different when you walk into a room that has a good amount of sunlight coming in through clean windows, clean floors, the furniture compliments the space, no mess, and you feel like you can breathe easily.

Exercise: A phrase I heard once is "you will never regret a workout". This is a great way to boost your endorphins (the happy hormone). Not only does it feel good to move your body, it also feels good to know it is beneficial to your health. The secret to exercise and being consistent is finding a program that works for you. But most importantly, finding a program that you enjoy. There are tons of exercise programs and routines that can work for you, but if you do not enjoy it then you will find excuses to not be consistent. I was like this; working out with whatever gym equipment I had without any set schedule or routine. Gosh... just writing it sounds boring. And it was boring, and I was never consistent and never got results. Seeing myself continue to gain weight due to hormonal imbalance and lack of exercise was really affecting my overall happiness. It was not until I found a program that I really enjoyed that I was able to remain consistent.

Yoga: There are many different types of yoga, but the yoga I am referring to right now is the yoga that can help relax your body and mind. Relaxing instrumental music, a gentle guiding voice, soft stretches, slow breath work. Sounds lovely, right? I would also recommend lighting some incense and doing this type of yoga later in the evening to help you relax in time for bed.

Talk: If you have someone you trust enough with your personal issues, then you should talk to them if you really feel like their ears or opinions would help.

Spa Treatment: 1 or 2 hours at the spa will work some relaxation magic. There is nothing like massaging away some built up tension around your neck, shoulders and back. Soothing oils, hot stones, and aroma therapy with some spa music playing in the background. Perfect!

Sleep: Do you find yourself feeling cranky or moody from lack of sleep? I can definitely get a little testy when I have not had good sleep for several nights. Sleep is important for your body and mind to recharge. Do not treat it like it is a luxury; it is a necessity. If you have trouble sleeping, try listening to guided meditative hypnosis for sleep. You can also try the sleeping elixir I use that is very gentle and does not leave you groggy they next morning. Also try a sleep mask to keep your eyes in complete darkness. Lavender scented oil or a lavender mist that you can spray on your pillow and sheets will definitely help you relax.

Books: Start reading self-help and personal development books. There are so many of them, it is incredible. So far, I have read 3 books that have really changed the way I feel and see things. Every book has something different to teach you.

Nature: Get out there! Sometimes stepping away from your desk and stepping outside for a breather and a little walk will help relieve some stress. Have some plants in your living space, have nature sounds in the background, buy some flowers. Bringing nature into your home is also advisable.

Detox: Let go of some of your bad habits such as excessive alcohol, smoking, drugs, and toxic people. These toxic add-on's will never help your mental health. Try your best to let go of something and/or someone that is not benefiting your life.

That concludes my tips for improving your mental health. These tips have worked for me in different occasions and have worked for many other people. If you have additional tips, please leave them in the comments. Let me know which of these tips you want to try first.

For additional help, please visit this website.

Be happy, be healthy, be kind!

Mrs. Ladybug



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