My dearest daughter,
Every December 25th, you make the same wish, in your heart and on Santa's List, you continue to persist.
The word "Puppy" gets written again and again, but that plan has been set for 2010.
You are much too young and need to wait. An angel shall be sent, but she needs to train. When a decade has passed, I shall place her in your path.
You will meet her soon,
one March afternoon.
She will be waiting for you
near 79th and Le Jeune.
The vet will say "she is elder
and should be taken to a shelter".
You will refuse to take her to such a sad place.
She will go home with you and no longer be a stray.
And Chiquitica will be her name.
I will also send you a kitten
to prove Chiqui's gentle disposition.
She will be kind yet sassy.
Her stride will be slow and unclassy.
The bark will sound like that of a seal
because I made her special; that was our deal.
She will ignite in you an unconditional love,
while you give her comfort and many hugs.
It is with her that you will learn
how fiercely your passion can burn.
I grant you 12 years and 7 months
to enjoy the pleasure of her warmth and fuzz.
Your heart will melt as you watch her sleep
and patience tested when you step in her pee.
On National Dog Day, you'll be given the news
that her time on earth will be ending soon.
So on your birthday, a wish you will make
Let her stay 1 more year as of today.
I will give you a year and 3 days
Though her health will began to fade.
When summer is gone and fall begins,
you’ll have to return your Sweetest Pumpkin.
It is fitting for her to leave
With October’s autumn breeze.
You will mourn her now and for several more years
Nothing will help contain your tears.
But your angel will wait for you in the heavens above
Where you two will spend eternity with your undying love.
Dedicated to my Angel, Chiquitica
Mar 2010 – Oct. 2, 2022
(Taken Sept. 11, 2022)
